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Aktualności - Internet Download Manager
Co nowego w wersji 6.08 build 9
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 26, 2012)
- Dodano wsparcie dla nowych typów stron streaming video
Co nowego w wersji 6.05
(Opublikowano: Luty 1, 2011)
- Poprawiono krytyczny błąd, który może spowodować awarię Eksploratora lub przeglądarki, podczas gdy użytkownik przesuwa suwak na osi czasu w odtwarzaczu na stronie YouTube
- Ulepszono silnik pobierania IDM
Co nowego w wersji 6.04 build 3
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 25, 2011)
- Rozwiązano kilka problemów związanych z zaawansowaną integracją przeglądarki
- Poprawiono pobieranie z niektórych stron internetowych
- Dodano wyświetlanie postępu pobierania w ikonie IDM na pasku zadań systemu Windows 7
Co nowego w wersji 6.04 build 2
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 23, 2010)
- Dodano wsparcie dla wielu przeglądarek internetowych
- Poprawiono kompatybilność z web filtrem Proxomitron
Co nowego w wersji 5.19 build 2?
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 29, 2010)
- Poprawiono błędy
Co nowego w wersji 5.19
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 27, 2010)
- Poprawiono krytyczne luki bezpieczeństwa
- Dodano "Panel pobierania" dla wybranych na stronie linków
Co nowego w wersji 5.18 build 5?
(Opublikowano: Listopad 11, 2009)
- Dodano wsparcie systemu Windows 7
- Usunięto krytyczne błędy
Co nowego w wersji 5.18 build 4?
(Opublikowano: Październik 15, 2009)
W odpowiedzi na wnioski użytkowników IDM, dodaliśmy następujące funkcje:
- Dodano automatyczne przechwytywanie pobieranych plików z różnych stron internetowych (typu hosting plików)
- Naprawiono problemy związane z kompatybilnością Windows 98 występujące od wersji 5.18 build 1 i spowodowane przez wprowadzone przetwarzanie nazw witryn w językach obcych
Co nowego w wersji 5.18 build 3?
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 16, 2009)
- Poprawiono krytyczne luki bezpieczeństwa
- Dodano możliwość powrotu przy użyciu starej trójkątnej ikonki IDM w zasobniku systemowym. Ikonę można przywrócić wybierając z menu "Widok-> IDM ikona na pasku zadań-> Styl klasyczny"
Co nowego w wersji 5.18 build 2?
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 09, 2009)
- Poprawiono błędy
Co nowego w wersji 5.18 beta?
(Opublikowano: Sierpień 10, 2009)
- Dodano przetwarzanie nazw witryn w językach obcych
- Dodano obsługę znaków Unicode podczas pobierania opisów i nazw plików
- Zaktualizowano ikonę IDM
- Ulepszono rozpoznanie błędów serwera. Na przykład, gdy serwery proxy dailymotion.com wysyła w pewnych warunkach nieprawidłowe dane
Co nowego w wersji 5.17 build 5?
(Opublikowano: Maj 27, 2009)
- Naprawiono błąd związany z autoryzacją m. in. NTLM
Co nowego w wersji 5.17 build 4?
(Opublikowano: Maj 19, 2009)
- Dodano "Dodaj ściąganie wsadowe ze schowka" do menu "Zadania"
- Znacząco zmieniono parsowanie nagłówków protokołu http. Oprócz zwiększenia prędkości pobierania, rozwiązano problemy z wadliwie zaprogramowanymi programami antywirusowymi i firewall'ami. Np. aplikacji "CA Internet Security Suite" wykryto poważny błąd w jej filtrach sieciowych, który powodował w wersji IDM od 5.16 do 5.17.3 nieprawidłowe parsowanie nagłówków i uniemożliwiał prawidłowe pobranie niektórych plików.
Co nowego w wersji 5.17 build 3?
(Opublikowano: Maj 07, 2009)
- Ulepszono rozpoznanie plików multimedialnych w odtwarzaczach przeglądarki Firefox oraz innych bazująch na Mozilli browserach.
- Poprawiono kilka błędów
Co nowego w wersji 5.17 build 2?
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 29, 2009)
- Poprawiono nieprawidłowe wyszukiwanie nazw plików na kilku stronach (w tym rapidshare.com) w przypadku funkcji "Pobierz z IDM"
Co nowego w wersji 5.17?
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 28, 2009)
- Poprawiono krytyczny błąd związany z pobieraniem plików o rozmiarach przekraczających 4GB
- Ulepszono wykrywanie plików multimedialnych w odtwarzaczach Internet Explorer'a
Co nowego w wersji 5.16 build 3?
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 03, 2009)
- Rozwiązano problem dotyczący integracji z Firefox
- Poprawiono błędy związane z pobieraniem plików tekstowych
Co nowego w wersji 5.16 build 2?
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 02, 2009)
- Poprawiono przetwarzanie błędnie przechwyconych plików do pobrania
- Poprawiono kilka błędów
Co nowego w wersji 5.16?
(Opublikowano: Marzec 30, 2009)
- Całkowicie przebudowano logikę funkcji wznowienia pobierania oraz dodano możliwość wznowienia pobieranych plików z witryn, które korzystają z tymczasowych adresów lub w sytuacji gdy dane adresy wygasły
- Dodano możliwość wyboru kolejki po naciśnięciu przycisku OK w oknie "Ściągnij wszystkie linki z IDM" oraz po naciśnięciu na przycisk "Ściągnij później" w oknie "Pobierz plik informacyjny" (rozpocznij pobieranie)
- Dodano łącze do strony, z której plik został przejęty z przeglądarki do okna "Właściwości pliku"
- Dokonano wiele innych drobnych usprawnień i poprawiono zauważone błędy
Co nowego w wersji 5.15 build 6?
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 22, 2009)
- Dodano panel pobierania IDM do odtwarzaczy IE bazujących na komponentach Microsoft Silverlight
- Naprawiono błąd występujący w funkcji "Ściągnij z IDM" w IE oraz Firefox. Występował on w przypadku, gdy w adresie pojawiały się spacje
- Polepszono identyfikację mp3 w Flash player
- Dodano wsparcie dla Google Chrome 2
- Poprawiono inne błędy
Co nowego w wersji 5.15 build 5?
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 23, 2008)
- Naprawiono kilka błędów krytycznych
Co nowego w wersji 5.15 build 4?
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 17, 2008)
- Fixed a bug with erroneous interceptions of downloads from myspace.com
- Added support for AOL Desktop 10 browser
- Added play list support to IDM Download panel for Windows Media Player ActiveX
- Added IDM Download panel to browsers for RealPlayer ActiveX
Co nowego w wersji 5.15 build 3?
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 04, 2008)
- Fixed critical bugs
- Resolved several compatibility issues on Windows Vista
- Added full support for Firefox 3.1 and Firefox 3.2
Co nowego w wersji 5.15 build 2?
(Opublikowano: Listopad 24, 2008)
- Added workarounds for the sites where IDM had download problems
- Resolved several issues related to taking over downloads on Windows Vista
- Fixed bugs with "Download with IDM" menu on Firefox 3.x
- Version 5.15 build 2 includes all latest bug fixes
Co nowego w wersji 5.15?
(Opublikowano: Październik 28, 2008)
- Added IDM Download Panel for Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers that appears on top of a web-player when IDM detects a multimedia request from the web-player. IDM download panel is used to download and save audio and video files that are played by the web player. It can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Videos, etc.
- Made a workaround for a problem with downloading attachments from different yahoo servers
- Enhanced processing of downloads for different types of servers
Co nowego w wersji 5.14 build 5?
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 15, 2008)
- Resolved Google Chrome browser integration problems in advanced browser integration
- Fixed a critical bug in IE add-on
Co nowego w wersji 5.14 build 4?
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 1, 2008)
- Improved the interception of downloads on some sites in IE
- Resolved the compatibility problems between IDM Download Panel and several 3rd party IE Add-ons
Co nowego w wersji 5.14 build 3?
(Opublikowano: Lipiec 29, 2008)
- Fixed critical bug
- Added IDM Download panel for IE web players based on Windows Media Player. The panel works the same as for Flash based web-players.
- Added the button and the dialog to add additional file types which should be taken over by IDM from web-players
Co nowego w wersji 5.14?
(Opublikowano: Lipiec 14, 2008)
- Added IDM Download Panel for IE and IE based browsers that appears on top of a web-player when IDM detects a multimedia request from the web-player. IDM download panel is used to download and save audio and video files that are played by the web player. It can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Videos, etc.
- Redeveloped from scratch and completely replaced IDM integration modules for IE and IE based browsers on more stable ones. Note that previous IDM integration modules were designed for IE 5.0 and were getting obsolete. The new modules also fix problems with "Download with IDM" feature
- Added an option to start IDM download queues on IDM startup
- Made workarounds to download files from several problem sites
Co nowego w wersji 5.12 build 11?
(Opublikowano: Maj 12, 2008)
- Fixed a bug with several https servers
- Improved file name creation logic to save on a disk and to display on "Download progress" dialog
Co nowego w wersji 5.12 build 10?
(Opublikowano: Maj 05, 2008)
- Fixed bugs with downloading files from some download sites like speedyshare.com
- Fixed bugs when forming file names to save on a local disk
Co nowego w wersji 5.12 build 9?
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 28, 2008)
- Made a workaround for download problems on mediafire.com site
- Fixed a bug with capturing ftp links in Firefox 3.0
- Added support for Firefox 4.0a
Co nowego w wersji 5.12 build 8?
(Opublikowano: Luty 20, 2008)
- Enhanced confirmation dialogs to delete downloads from IDM list of downloads. Now its possible to delete files from hard disk as well.
- Improved downloading of links that have unsafe (or foreign language) characters
- Improved control over taking over downloads. Fixed erroneous download interceptions.
- Added automatic interception for "split" files
- Fixed bugs while forming file names to save on hard disk
- Improved monitoring of FLV videos in Internet Explorer
Co nowego w wersji 5.12 build 7?
(Opublikowano: Luty 06, 2008)
- Fixed critical bugs
Co nowego w wersji 5.12 build 6?
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 23, 2008)
We have added these features in response to IDM user requests.
- Fixed critical bugs
- Version 5.12 build 6 includes all latest bug fixes
Co nowego w wersji 5.12 build 5?
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 21, 2008)
- Improved FLV video grabber in Internet Explorer. Now IDM retrieves all FLV video links from IE.
- Improved "Download all links with IDM" feature. Now IDM checks and determines file types with better accuracy.
- Fixed a bug with site exceptions which should not be taken over by IDM in Internet Explorer.
Co nowego w wersji 5.12 build 4?
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 10, 2008)
- Fixed the problem with "Download with IDM" feature in Firefox when download link is not a text, but a picture
- Fixed a bug with using special keys to prevent downloading with IDM in Internet Explorer
- Fixed erroneous interception of downloads from a browser which look like suitable for downloading with IDM but in fact they are pictures for example.
Co nowego w wersji 5.12?
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 20, 2007)
- Added "Speed Limiter" feature to limit download speed
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 build 10 ?
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 11, 2007)
- Made a workaround to resolve conflicts between IDM IE integration and several 3rd party IE Add-ons like RealPlayer 11
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 build 9 ?
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 4, 2007)
- Changed "Download progress" dialog appearance for Windows Vista Aero theme to show "Minimize to system tray" button correctly
- Added a feature allowing to use patterns with wildcards (*) in the list of Internet addresses which IDM should not take over from browsers
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 build 8 ?
(Opublikowano: Październik 10, 2007)
- Added a button on "Download file info" dialog to create a new category
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 build 7 ?
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 28, 2007)
- Added the button and the dialog to IDM "Options/General" tab to customize browser context menu items for Firefox, Internet Explorer, and other Mozilla and IE based browsers
- Added an additional menu item to the context menu of Internet Explorer to download FLV videos from 10 last requested
- Added the possibility to translate IDM browser context menu items to foreign languages
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 build 6 ?
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 10, 2007)
- Improved the interception of FLV video downloads from YouTube and other sites
- Fixed compatibility problems with several IE add-ons
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 build 5 ?
(Opublikowano: Lipiec 27, 2007)
- IDM checks and runs the installation process if necessary to re-install "IDM CC" extension for Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 build 4 ?
(Opublikowano: Lipiec 23, 2007)
- Added context menu for downloading FLV files in Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers
- Fixed IDM compatibility problems discovered in Firefox 3.0a6 (Minefield) and newer releases
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 build 3 ?
(Opublikowano: Lipiec 04, 2007)
- Added the feature to download and save FLV video files from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Video, etc. If you like a video that is playing from these sites and you would like to save it on your computer, you may grab it with IDM from Internet Explorer. You may get more information on IDM YouTube grabber page
- Version 5.11 build 3 includes all latest bug fixes
Co nowego w wersji 5.11 ?
(Opublikowano: Czerwiec 21, 2007)
- Completely redeveloped IDM scheduler. Added periodic synchronization of files and the possibility to create new queues for downloading or synchronization. Added new features on starting and stopping queue processing
- Improved user interface. Added processing of context menu key, fixed tabbing order on all dialogs, added mnemonic keys to the main menu and the menu of IDM Grabber
New IDM Scheduler announcement
(Raport opublikowano: Czerwiec 20, 2007)
The new version of IDM will have a completely redeveloped scheduler that can be used for downloading and file synchronization with multiple download queues. Internet Download Manager Scheduler announcement has been published on the official site.
Co nowego w wersji 5.09 ?
(Opublikowano: Luty 25, 2007)
- Completely redeveloped the logic of taking over downloads from all browsers. Fixed erroneous interceptions of the web pages that IDM treated as downloads in the past, for example, it happened in some cases on rapidshare sites
Raport zgodności z systemem Windows Vista
(Raport opublikowano: Luty 08, 2007)
Internet Download Manager (IDM) został przetestowany pod kątem zgodności z systemem Windows Vista. Raport kompatybilnosci Internet Download Manager i Windows Vista został opublikowany na oficjalnej stronie.
Co nowego w wersji 5.08 ?
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 25, 2007)
- Improved processing of foreign language URLs in IE. IDM uses current web-page encoding to suggest correct file names when saving downloaded files
- Enhanced download engine to increase download speed.
- Fixed bugs when sending queries to servers on foreign languages
- Improved download processing for premium accounts of popular rapidshare sites
Co nowego w wersji 5.07 ?
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 15, 2007)
- Added full compatibility with Windows Vista
- Resolved several problems with IE 7
- Fixed conflicts of "Advanced browser integration" with Windows Vista, Windows 2003 and with several Internet applications
- The logic of click monitoring for IE-based browsers (MSN Explorer, Avant, MyIE, some versions of AOL etc.) was moved from idman process to a separate exe module. This module can be turned on/off in "Options->General"
Co nowego w wersji 5.05 ?
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 2, 2006)
- Added support for Firefox 2.0 browser
- Added a dialog to select from several actions if a duplicate download link was added
- Added an icon to download complete dialog to drag and drop downloaded files
Co nowego w wersji 5.04 ?
(Opublikowano: Sierpień 2, 2006)
- Changed basic browsers integration. Added extensions for Mozilla based browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Flock etc) to take over more downloads from these browsers in a better way than advanced browser integration. Also added "Download with IDM" and "Download All links with IDM" context menu items for these browsers.
- The "General" tab in IDM options was divided into "General" and "File Types" tabs for convenience
- Added "Open with..." button to "Download complete" dialog and "Open with..." menu item to the context menu of the main IDM window.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 5.03
(Opublikowano: Maj 31, 2006)
- Added MMS protocol support. MMS links can only be downloaded manually using "Add Url" button or using "Download with IDM" IE right click menu
- Changed settings dialog. Split "Downloads" tab to "Downloads" and "Save to". Added the possibility to turn off downloading while showing "Download File Info" dialog
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 5.02
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 18, 2006)
- IDM can fix all rebuild errors and restore a file when its rebuilding process from downloaded parts has been interrupted due to power outages or due to killing/termination of IDM process.
- Improved download progress dialog. Now it can be resized and minimized to system tray.
- The message box on download completion has been replaced with a download complete dialog that has several useful functions, for example opening a downloaded file folder.
- Improved start download dialog. Now you can conveniently select a folder to save a file directly on this dialog.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 5.01
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 16, 2005)
- Added thumbnails view to IDM Site Grabber.
- Added scheduler to IDM Site Grabber. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes.
- Added update feature to IDM Site Grabber. It's possible to start exploring a site from the start page again for a project to update the files that have been changed on the server.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 5.0
(Opublikowano: Listopad 25, 2005)
- Added the site grabber feature. This feature not only lets you download required files that are specified with filters, for example all pictures from a web site, or all audio files from a web site, but it also lets you download subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for mirroring or offline browsing.
- Improved visual appearance and user interface. The toolbar looks better for different XP Visual styles.
- Redesigned and enhanced IDM download engine.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 4.07
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 12, 2005)
- Added batch download feature to download files using wildcards. Select "URL->Add batch download" menu item to use it.
- Improved user interface for IDM main dialog, added error status and the ability to use resume button for several selected downloads.
- Enhanced user interaface for "Download all with IDM" dialog.
- Improved downloading with https protocol.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 4.06
(Opublikowano: Sierpień 2, 2005)
- Improved the general security of Internet Download Manager.
- Fixed buffer overflow bug when taking over downloads with long URLs.
- Added authorization dialog in case authorization information don't match.
- Improved processing of sites that demand different authorization information.
- Added several enhancements to the logic of download engine.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 4.05
(Opublikowano: Czerwiec 27, 2005)
- Improved user interface.
- Added support for XP visual styles.
- Added icons for IDM settings to IDM options dialog.
- Improved browser integration.
- Improved downloading from http/https sites that require cookies.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 4.04
(Opublikowano: Maj 15, 2005)
- Improved Integration into Internet Explorer browser.
- All link capturing capabilities of advanced browser integration have been included into the basic Internet Explorer Integration. If you use Internet Explorer only, and had problems with advanced browser integration, you can turn off advanced browser integration.
- Improved capturing of secure http links in Internet Explorer. Now IDM can take over https downloads that launch indirectly
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 4.03
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 7, 2004)
- Revised "Download with IDM" feature for Internet Explorer browser. Now IDM gets all necessary request headers from Internet Explorer to take over any downloads. Now users may select a text in Internet Explorer, and pick "Download with IDM" to add all links in the selected text to IDM.
- Improved download link capture logic. Now IDM can download from the sites which have a protection from downloading with download managers.
- Added download links capture from anti leech plugins.
- Added protection from the registry cleaners, optimizers, repairers, etc. which damage Internet Download Manager registry keys.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 4.02
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 16, 2004)
- Added a feature to customize toolbar look. It's possible to customize toolbar style, buttons order, and the size of toolbar buttons.
- Designed new 3D buttons. The default toolbar appearance has changed. Those users, who got used to old style, may get back to Classic style in toolbar customization menu.
- IDM has a choice to select from 4 different toolbar looks, download new toolbar skins from home site, or design new skins if you are familiar with graphics design basics.
- Optimized download engine for several types of FTP/HTTP servers.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 4.01
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 22, 2004)
- Added a feature to switch between old browser integration and new browser integration. In a rare case new advanced browser integration caused conflicts with 3rd party Internet applications. In these cases, it's possible to use old basic browser integration.
- Improved Download All feature.
- Added support for more FTP and HTTP servers that are not RFC compliant
s in Internet Download Manager 4.00
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 2, 2004)
- Completely redesigned central download engine. Improved download speed and reliability.
- Improved User Interface. Added "Stop queue" and "Start queue" buttons to IDM toolbar. "All Downloads" tree node now expands to all download categories independently on whether they are finished or not.
- Totally changed browser integration. IDM takes over any downloads from any browsers.
- Added a feature to customize keyboard keys to prevent or to force downloading with Internet Download Manager. This feature should work for any browser now, not in Internet Explorer only as before.
- Added the ignore list of sites where Internet Download Manager won't take over downloads.
- Improved "Download All" feature. The main window can be resized. It's possible now to choose a path for saving downloads.
- Added re-download feature to download complete files again
- Added "Open Folder" item in the right click menu.
- Added several new methods for FTP proxy authorization
- Added a feature to download files from protected websites, including all methods of anti-leech protection
- Added a feature not to use proxy servers for specified Internet addresses.
- Added a feature to download files larger than 4 GB
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.18
(Opublikowano: Październik 28, 2003)
- Added "download all links with IDM" feature
- Revised IDM help file
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.17
(Opublikowano: Wrzesień 29, 2003)
- Added a feature to customize columns and the toolbar
- Added new columns: Referrer, Last Try Date, Date Added, Save Path
- Enhanced connection dialog in IDM options
- Added a feature to use single connection
- Added a feature to limit max. number of connections for specific servers
- Improved appearance, changed icons for download categories
- Added a feature to save sizes of columns and dialogs
- Added a feature to save sorting order of columns
- Improved scheduler. Added multiselection for downloads
- Added Mozilla Firebird integration option
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.16
(Opublikowano: Czerwiec 20, 2003)
- Added multilingual support. Added French, German, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Arabic, and other languages
- Added support for Microsoft ISA server
- Added Kerberos and Negotiate authorization for sites and proxy servers
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.15
(Opublikowano: Maj 19, 2003)
- Added ZIP files preview before downloading
- Added download categories
- Enhanced user interface, e.g. columns sorting, the ability to edit URL while downloading
- Added NTLM authorization for sites and proxy servers
- Improved integration with all browsers.
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.14
(Opublikowano: Marzec 24, 2003)
- Added HTTPS support
- Added a feature to play sounds for different download events
- Added more authentication types
- Improved download scheduler
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.13
(Opublikowano: Marzec 03, 2003)
- Improved integration with Internet Explorer
- Added support for more server platforms
- Added a feature to switch focus with TAB key
- Added more command line parameters
- Optimized UI drawing
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.12
(Opublikowano: Luty 17, 2003)
- Improved built-in download accelerator
- Increased HTTP downloading speed
- Added pipelining for ftp commands
- Added a feature to reuse all ftp connections
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.11
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 29, 2003)
- Added HTML help and tutorial
- Optimized IDM library and executable file codes, lowered CPU consumption
- Added support for additional server platforms
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.10
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 23, 2002)
- Revised scheduler pro
- Improved queue processor
- Added silent mode
- Enhanced virus protection on download completion
- Added progressive downloading with quotas. (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.)
- Added command line parameters to use IDM from command line
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.09
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 03, 2002)
- Increased host server accessibility. Now IDM can download from protected servers that don't allow downloading with download managers or accelerators (for example, anti-leech protection, download images protection, etc.)
- Enhanced user interface
- Added start-up tips
- Improved Web browser integration
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.08
(Opublikowano: Październik 24, 2002)
- Added MSN Explorer browser integration option
- Added Internet Explorer based browser integration option
- Added new formats to media content inspection
- Added the feature to edit the list of extensions to take over downloads from Netscape, Opera and Mozilla browsers
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.07
(Opublikowano: Sierpień 26, 2002)
- Added extraction and accelerated downloading of audio data streams
- Added support for more ftp and http server platforms
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.06
(Opublikowano: Lipiec 18, 2002)
- Added import/export of download lists
- Added enhancements to download logic optimizer that slightly increased download speed
- Added support for more ftp and http server platforms
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.05
(Opublikowano: Czerwiec 8, 2002)
- Improved download speed. The last file segment doesn't slow down download process
- Added file content inspection
- IDM shows useful information about media files (mp3, avi, mpeg, ...) during download process
- Added Netscape 6, 7, Mozilla and Opera integration options
- Improved cookies processing
- Added full drag and drop support
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.04
(Opublikowano: Kwiecień 11, 2002)
- Added additional support for dial-up users
- Added download basket window
- Optimized download logic
- Changed graphic buttons and appearance
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.03
(Opublikowano: Luty 21, 2002)
- Added options to configure download dialog appearance
- Added virus checking feature
- Changed graphic buttons and appearance
- Added a number of features to make your work with IDM more comfortable
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.02
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 31, 2002)
- Added advanced download scheduler
- Added download queue
- Applied minor changes to appearance
Nowe funkcje w programie Internet Download Manager 3.01
(Opublikowano: Styczeń 9, 2002)
- New optimization logic may increase your Internet download speed up to 500% (works best on a shared Internet connection and with the large number of file segments)
- Five Operating Systems are supported (95/98/ME/NT/2000)
- IDM monitors clipboard for valid URLs
- IDM works with cookies and sites/directories that demand authorization
- IDM handles different types of download redirections
- IDM supports FTP/HTTP proxy servers and the large number of directory listing formats
- IDM supports large number of network adapters
- Dynamic file segmentation significantly improves file download performance
- Automatic optimization of performance related settings
- Full reuse of connections that have finished downloading of assigned segments without additional connect and login stages
- Selectable timeout time and number of connections to tune IDM to your particular connection type
- Optional automatic update if a newer version has become available
- Fully integrates to Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator
Co nowego w wersji 3.0 ?
(Opublikowano: Grudzień 5, 2001)
- Added clipboard monitoring for valid URLs
- Added support for more FTP and HTTP servers. More listings formats are supported. Protocol implementation been extended to be more reliable and not sensitive to non-standard server responses
- Added FTP/HTTP proxy support
Co nowego w wersji 2.9 ?
(Opublikowano: Październik 8, 2001)
- Added full Windows 2000 support
- Added IDMan Quick Update utility
- Added support for download redirections
- Added IDMan integration to IE file context menu
Co nowego w wersji 2.8?
(Opublikowano: Lipiec 2, 2001)
- Added support for cookies and site/directory authorization
- Enhanced dynamic segmentation logic to fully reuse Internet connections
IDM has automatic update option and may check for the availability of a newer version once per week. Once a newer version has become available, IDM shows a dialog that describes all new features and suggests updating your current version. You can also download the latest version of IDM using Quick Update tool that comes along with IDM distribution.
Internet Download Manager, Tonec Inc. 641 Lexington Avenue, 15th fl. New York, NY, 10022
© 1999-2012. All rights reserved.